Xanthome der Plantaraponeurose

Plantar xanthoma is a condition when xanthomatous deposits are occurring within the plantar fascia.

Clinical presentation

They are usually asymptomatic, although in some instances may result in vague pain and may also have unfavorable cosmetic effects.


Xanthomas consist of localized collections of tissue histiocytes containing lipids, most frequently in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. As with xanthomas elsewhere, they are a feature of several types of primary hyperlipidemias.

Radiographic features

Plain radiograph

May be seen as soft-tissue masses without calcification.


Can show fusiform tendinous or aponeurotic enlargement with heterogeneous signal intensity

Can show

  • small foci of increased tendinous signal intensity corresponding to xanthomatous deposits
  • trabeculated low-signal-intensity areas representing the remaining tendinous fascicles
  • these can produce a characteristic speckled or reticulated appearance on both T1- and T2images
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