zerebrale Manifestationen bei COVID-19
encephalopathy and cranial nerve VII palsy in a 24-year-old patient with COVID-19. FLAIR axial images demonstrating high signal alterations in the mamillary bodies
encephalopathy and cranial nerve VII palsy in a 24-year-old patient with COVID-19. FLAIR axial images demonstrating high signal alterations in the splenium of the corpus callosum
encephalopathy and cranial nerve VII palsy in a 24-year-old patient with COVID-19. FLAIR axial images demonstrating high signal alterations in the dorsal pons
encephalopathy and cranial nerve VII palsy in a 24-year-old patient with COVID-19. FLAIR axial images demonstrating high signal alterations in the ventral medulla
neurological manifestations: correlation of cerebral MRI imaging and lung imaging—Observational study. A 36-year-old male patient, presented with post-COVID headache, seizers and disturbed consciousness. a MRI axial T2WI revealed cortical and subcortical regions of high T2-signal intensities represents non haemorrhagic venous infarctions. b Corresponding regions of restricted diffusion in DWI with b-value1000. c, d and e MRV show near complete obstruction of the superior sagittal sinus. Non haemorrhagic venous infarction is confirmed. f CT chest showed peripheral distributed ground glass opacities typical for COVID-19 (CORAD-V)
neurological manifestations: correlation of cerebral MRI imaging and lung imaging—Observational study. A 43-year-old female patient presented with post COVID fatigue, followed by cerebrovascular stroke symptoms. MRI axial T1WI (a) revealed left occipital subcortical white matter abnormal signal display relative low signal intensity (arrow). Axial T2WI (b) show high SI with no mass effect. Axial FLAIR (c) showed corresponding increase signal intensity. DWI (d, e) showed areas of restricted diffusion. watershed infarcts with additional foci of lacunar infarcts. CT lung showed GGO very typical for COVID (CORAD-V)
neurological manifestations: correlation of cerebral MRI imaging and lung imaging—Observational study. A 50-year-old male patient presented with cerebrovascular stroke post COVID. MRI a axial T1WI, b axial T2WI, c axial FLAIR revealed no abnormality. d ADC map, e DWI revealed a well-defined area of restricted left parietal region acute infarction. f CT chest at admission showing CORAD III (mosaic CT attenuation). CT chest during acute phase is not available
neurological manifestations: correlation of cerebral MRI imaging and lung imaging—Observational study. A 50-year-old male presented with sever continuous headache during COVID infection, expressive aphasia. MRI revealed right occipital well defined intra axial space occupying lesion. a Axial T1 WI showed area of peripheral high SI with central area of iso intense signal intensity. b Axial FLAIR show area of peripheral edema (c) axial T2WI showed area of relative low SI with peripheral edema (d) ADC map and (e) DWI show area of peripheral restriction. Finding correlates with subacute intraparenchymal hematoma. f CT lung showed multifocal GGO and consolidation, very typical COVID abnormalities (CORAD-V)
neurological manifestations: correlation of cerebral MRI imaging and lung imaging—Observational study. A 17-year-old female patient with chronic kidney disease presented with post COVID puerperal skin rash, headache and decreased conscious level. MRI axial T2WI (a) hardly detect abnormal signal and axial FLAIR (b) revealed abnormal foci of increased signal intensity in right periventricular deep white matter (blue arrows). Diffusion images (c) show no restricted diffusion. Post COVID vasculitis was considered. CT chest during acute phase not shown. CT chest at time of admission show no abnormalities (CORAD-I)
neurological manifestations: correlation of cerebral MRI imaging and lung imaging—Observational study. A 47-year-old male patient presented with post COVID ophthalmoplegia in six cardinal directions, MRI a axial T1WI, b axial T2& c axial FLAIR d DWI show left occipital gyral edema with no diffusion restriction. In addition to ethmoidal sinusitis which show restricted diffusion in DWI (e) and of high FLAIR SI (f), histopathologically proved to be invasive fungal sinusitis. CT chest showed pulmonary nodule (short black arrow) probably post COVID infection sequel CORAD-III
manifestations and neuroimaging findings in patients with SARS-CoV2—a systematic review. Evaluation of positive neurological findings on CT scan and MRI of COVID-19 infected patients. To demonstrate positive neuroimaging findings, patients with normal findings on imaging or findings unrelated to COVID-19 were not included
zerebrale Manifestationen bei COVID-19
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