zervikale Duplikationszyste des Ösophagus

A case of
cervical esophageal duplication cyst in a newborn infant. Clinical findings in a newborn infant girl with esophageal duplication cyst. a On physical examination, there was anterior neck swelling on the right. b Ultrasonography showed a simple cyst measuring 40 × 24 × 33 mm in the right neck. c T2-weighted enhanced magnetic resonance imaging revealed a simple cyst (asterisk) that displaced the sternocleidomastoid muscle anteriorly, the carotid sheath (arrow) to the right, and the larynx and trachea (arrow head) to the left. d Bronchoscopy showed compressive deformation of the trachea from the subglottis to the carina

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 10-month-old boy with a congenital cardiopathy presents respiratory distress. a Chest X-ray: a left cervicothoracic mass is suspected displacing the trachea to the right (arrows). b Chest US: cystic mass (M) with slightly echogenic content inside is seen next to the thymus (T). Its origin is unclear. c Coronal view SSFSE T2 MRI: a well-delineated and hyperintense lesion (star) is seen. d Transversal view of the lesion in a gadolinium-enhanced VIBE MRI confirms the cystic nature of the mass (star) next to the anterior oesophageal wall (arrow). e Thoracoscopic findings: a 6 × 4-cm lesion with close contact with the trachea originated from the muscular wall of the oesophagus
zervikale Duplikationszyste des Ösophagus
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