Lebertumoren mit Verkalkungen
A case report
of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma, with particular reference to preoperative diagnosis, value of molecular genetic diagnosis, and cell origin. Dynamic computed tomography (CT) and gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. A lobulated mass is visualized located in the anterior sector of the liver. The tumor was seen as a low-attenuating lesion in unenhanced images (A) and as a heterogeneous hyperattenuation in the arterial phase of dynamic CT (B). Hyperattenuation in the arterial phase suggests hypervascularity. The tumor demonstrated washout in the delayed phase of dynamic CT (C). The central scar showed a gradually enhancing pattern with calcification. The scar was seen as a hypointensity on T2WIs (D) and as a marked hyperintensity on DWIs (E). The tumor was visualized as a low signal intensity in the hepatobiliary phase, without gadoxetic acid uptake. Also, the tumor was observed as having a lobulated appearance in the hepatobiliary phase (F)
carcinoma with ring calcification mimicking hydatid disease: a case report. Dynamic CT. a A calcified tumor was seen in segment 6 of the liver in the plain CT. b CT in the arterial phase showing partial early enhancement of the tumor (indicated by white arrows). c CT in the delayed phase showing a washed-out pattern in the tumor
calcifying fibrous tumor at six sites in one patient: a case report. CT image right adrenal gland CFT.
metastatic neuroendocrine tumour. Coronal reconstructed CT image, acquired after contrast administration, shows the dilated and thickened appendix, with associated periappendiceal stranding. A heterogeneous, enhancing liver lesion is also present, with coarse calcifications.
nested stromal epithelial tumor of the liver in a patient with Klinefelter syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. CT findings. a A large, heterogeneously enhanced mass with focal calcification was present in the right lobe of the liver. b Multiple recurrent lesions in the remnant liver and an enlarged para-aortic lymph node on postoperative day 62
Giant hepatic
adenoma with bone marrow metaplasia not associated with oral contraceptive intake. Contrast-enhanced CT scan. A: adenoma; RHV: right hepatic vein; MHV: middle hepatic vein (portal venous phase).
• Hepatoblastoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Lebertumoren mit Verkalkungen
Siehe auch:
- verkalkte Leberläsionen
- Hepatoblastom
- verkalkte Lebermetastasen
- verkalktes Leberhämangiom
- fibrolamelläres Leberkarzinom mit Verkalkungen
- verkalktes hepatozelluläres Karzinom
- verkalkte Lebermetastasen neuroendokriner Tumoren
- verkalktes cholangiozelluläres Karzinom
- verkalktes Leberadenom
- calcifying nested stromal epithelial tumor (CNSET)
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