Varianter Abgang der Arteria pharyngea ascendens aus der Arteria carotis interna

pharyngeal artery • Ascending pharyngeal artery arising from internal carotid artery - bilateral - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

pharyngeal artery arising from a hypoplastic internal carotid artery: (a) Axial computed tomography angiography the petrous carotid canal is normal on the left (solid black arrow) and hypoplastic on the right (dashed black arrow) Arising from the medial aspect of the proximal internal carotid artery (ICA) is a small caliber vessel was consistent with ascending pharyngeal artery (AscPA), AscPA: Ascending pharyngeal artery, ECA: External carotid artery, ICA: Internal carotid artery. (b) Coronal maximum intensity projection 1 cm after its origin, the right ICA is of diffusely narrow caliber, without evidence of thrombus or dissection, and remained of homogeneous small caliber all the way into the skull Arising from the medial aspect of the proximal ICA is a small caliber vessel was consistent with AscPA, AscPA: Ascending pharyngeal artery, CCA: Common carotid artery, ECA: External carotid artery, ICA: Internal carotid artery. (c) Three-dimensional volumetric reconstruction 1 cm after its origin, the right ICA is of diffusely narrow caliber, without evidence of thrombus or dissection, and remained of homogeneous small caliber all the way into the skull. Arising from the medial aspect of the proximal ICA is a small caliber vessel was consistent with AscPA, AscPA: Ascending pharyngeal artery, CCA: Common carotid artery, ECA: External carotid artery, ICA: Internal carotid artery. (d) Threedimensional volumetric reconstruction 1 cm after its origin, the right ICA is of diffusely narrow caliber, without evidence of thrombus or dissection, and remained of homogeneous small caliber all the way into the skull. Arising from the medial aspect of the proximal ICA is a small caliber vessel was consistent with AscPA, AscPA: Ascending pharyngeal artery, CCA: Common carotid artery, ECA: External carotid artery, ICA: Internal carotid artery
Ursprung der Arteria pharyngea ascendens aus der Arteria carotis interna
Varianter Abgang der Arteria pharyngea ascendens aus der Arteria carotis interna
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