Komplikationen bei Feinnadelaspiration (FNA) der Schilddrüse

treatment of massive hemorrhage arising from inferior thyroid artery after fine needle aspiration of thyroid: a case report. a An axial neck CT take after thyroid FNA underwent on emergency department reveals a large hematoma (red asterisk) in the anterior neck space with anterior tracheal deviation and nodule in the right thyroid lobe with intra- and extra nodule air-bubbles caused by the fine needle aspiration. b Sagittal CT scan shows extravasation of contrast media suggesting active bleeding (red arrow) within the hematoma

treatment of massive hemorrhage arising from inferior thyroid artery after fine needle aspiration of thyroid: a case report. a Right subclavian angiography shows active bleeding (red arrow) in the neck, corresponding to the CT image. b Right thyrocervical trunk is selected and the culprit branch is identified as the right inferior thyroid artery (red arrow head)

treatment of massive hemorrhage arising from inferior thyroid artery after fine needle aspiration of thyroid: a case report. After superselection of the right ITA using microcatheter, embolization of the right ITA is performed using NBCA, and a post-embolization angiogram reveals successful hemostasis without active bleeding

A Case of
Diffuse Thyroid Hematoma after Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration: Enhanced neck computed tomography. (A) The axial view shows diffuse swelling and heterogenous enhancement of both thyroid lobes. (B) The sagittal view shows diffuse non-enhancing soft-tissue density lesions of the retropharyngeal space and superior mediastinum.
Komplikationen bei Feinnadelaspiration (FNA) der Schilddrüse
Siehe auch:
- Feinnadelaspiration (FNA) der Schilddrüse
- Arteria thyroidea inferior
- Arteria thyroidea superior
- Aneurysma spurium der Arteria thyroidea inferior
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