Arteria thyroidea superior

Zeichnung von Henry Gray mit Darstellung der Schilddrüse und der benachbarten / versorgenden Gefäße.
The superior thyroid artery is a branch of the external carotid artery and supplies the larynx and thyroid gland.
- origin: branch of the external carotid artery at the level of the hyoid bone
- branches
- hyoid artery
- sterncocleidomastoid branches
- superior laryngeal artery
- cricothyroid branch
- supply: larynx and thyroid gland
- termination: thyroid gland
- variants
- origin at the level of the carotid bifurcation (20%)
- origin from the common carotid artery (10%)
- common origin from
- thyrolingual trunk
- thyrolinguofacial trunk
- key relationships: superior laryngeal nerve
Siehe auch:
- Arteria carotis externa
- Schilddrüse
- Arteria thyroidea inferior
- Arteria laryngea superior
- Schilddrüsenblutung
- Komplikationen bei Feinnadelaspiration (FNA) der Schilddrüse
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