
extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest radiograph shows bilateral well-defined opacities overlying the spine (yellow arrows) and right basal peripheral opacity abutting the costal arches (green arrow).

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest axial image shows bilateral paravertebral well-marginated soft tissue masses, demonstrating mild enhancement after intravenous injection of contrast medium; diffuse decreased density of bones with structural remodelling is also seen.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest axial image shows bilateral paravertebral well-marginated soft tissue masses and soft tissue in parasternal location (arrow); diffuse decreased density of bones with structural remodelling is also seen.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest axial image shows bilateral paravertebral well-marginated soft tissue masses and soft tissue in parasternal location (arrow); diffuse decreased density of bones with structural remodelling is also seen.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest axial image shows bilateral paravertebral and right pericostal well-marginated masses, demonstrating mild enhancement after intravenous injection of contrast medium; diffuse decreased density of bones with structural remodelling is also seen.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest axial image shows bilateral paravertebral and left pericostal well-marginated masses, demonstrating mild enhancement after intravenous injection of contrast medium; diffuse decreased density of bones with structural remodelling is also seen.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest axial image shows diffuse structural remodelling of bones with destruction of trabeculae and multiple cortical interruptions; ribs appear widened (arrow).

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest axial image shows diffuse structural remodelling of vertebral bodies with trabecular thinning.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest sagittal image shows diffuse structural remodelling of vertebral bodies and sternum, that reveals trabecular thinning and multiple cortical interruptions; a moderate amount of soft tissue is seen in parasternal location.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest sagittal image shows diffuse structural remodelling of scapula with trabecular thinning.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest CT axial image shows the rib"s cortical interruption (arrow) next to the soft tissue mass.

extramedullary haematopoiesis and skeletal involvement in a case of thalassaemia intermedia. Chest CT sagittal image shows multiple cortical interruptions of the sternum (arrows), which appears surrounded by soft tissue.
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