Hämangiom der Schilddrüse

obstruction as the primary manifestation of infantile thyroid hemangioma. Ultrasound image of thyroid hemangioma. a Hypoechoic lesions are observed at the lower pole of the left thyroid and a chord-like hyperechoic lesion is observed within. b Hypoechoic lesions are observed at the lower pole of the right thyroid, and a chord-like hyperechoic lesion is observed within. c Hypoechoic lesions with a clear boundary and abundant blood supply are noted at the lower pole of the bilateral thyroid. d, e, f No recurrence of hemangioma was found

obstruction as the primary manifestation of infantile thyroid hemangioma. Non-enhanced and contrast-enhanced CT images of the thyroid hemangioma. a Non-enhanced CT imges show that the slightly hyperattenuated thyroid is enlarged and part of the left lobe stretches into the superior mediastinum. b In the contrast-enhanced CT image, the enlarged thyroid shows heterogeneous nodular enhancement
Hämangiom der Schilddrüse
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