transcatheter mitral valve implantation (TMVI)

Advances in
transcatheter mitral and tricuspid therapies. Transcatheter mitral (a) and tricuspid (b) valve intervention devices with reported clinical use (original image)

Implantation einer Mitralklappenprothese (TMVI) bei hochgradiger Mitralklappeninsuffizienz. Beachte auf den massiven Kalk der Mitraklappe. Zusätzlich erkennt man eine typische TAVI als Ersatz der Aortenklappe.

implantation of HighLife self-expandable mitral valve in a patient with severe secondary mitral regurgitation and heart failure: Figure 1. Fluoroscopy and transoesophageal echocardiography depicting the steps of High Life valve implantation. A. 28 mm HighLife self-expandable valve. B. Fluoroscopic image of loop placement catheter across the aortic valve with a closed ring encircling the mitral valve chords. C. Echocardiographic short-axis view showing the ring (arrow) and loop placement catheter. D. Fluoroscopic view of the valve in the capsule positioned to match the groove with the subvalvular ring. E. Deployed valve. F. 3D atrial view in transoesophageal imaging of the valve

eingebrachter Mitralklappenersatz (HighLife) im Röntgenbild und in der Computertomografie axial und koronar. Zusätzlich mit abgebildet: Fixateur interne der Wirbelsäule und Neurostimulator.
transcatheter mitral valve implantation (TMVI)
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