Hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie
disease • Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
disease • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (HMSN) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
diffusion coefficient restriction in the white matter: going beyond acute brain territorial ischemia. A 23-year-old male patient affected by genetically proven X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease presenting with acute onset of aphasia and right hemiparesis. Diffusion-weighted (a) and T2-weighted images (c) at admission showed symmetrical confluent hyperintensities in the posterior centrum semiovale and in the splenium of the corpus callosum, with a coronal image resembling “moose horns”. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps (b) disclosed a restricted diffusion of water molecules in the corresponding areas
Hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie
Siehe auch:
- Muskelveränderungen bei Denervation
- Morbus Charcot-Marie-Tooth
- Refsum-Syndrom
- Troyer-Syndrom
- Hypertrophe neurale Muskelatrophie Typ Déjerine-Sottas
- HMSN VII - (HMSN mit Retinitis pigmentosa)
- Neuronale Peroneale Muskelatrophie
- HMSN VI - (HMSN mit Optikusatrophie)
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie: