Ascaris lumbricoides

An adult
Ascaris lumbricoides worm. Diagnostic characteristics: tapered ends; length 15 to 35 cm (the females tend to be the larger ones). This worm is a female, as evidenced by the size and genital girdle (the dark circular groove at bottom area of image).

segment of small intestine which is partly cut opened showing multiple creamy white adult worms filling the lumen.

lumbricoides and acute appendicitis. Longitudinal ultrasound examination of right iliac fossa demonstrates a non-compressible, blind-ended tubular structure surrounded with hyperechogenic mesenteric fatty infiltration corresponding to acute appendicitis containing a single ascaris worm.

lumbricoides and acute appendicitis. Open surgery confirmed the diagnosis of ascaris worm within the inflamed appendix.
Ascaris lumbricoides
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