Amöbenabszess der Leber

Amoebic hepatic abscesses are a form of hepatic abscess resulting from Entamoeba histolytica infection.
Hepatic abscess is the most common extraintestinal form of E. histolytica infection .
Although the causative pathogen is found worldwide, it is endemic to the Middle East and Eastern Asia and travel history should always be sought in suspected cases.
It has a strong male predominance, about 10:1 .
Clinical presentation
Patients may experience general malaise, presenting with frank sepsis and right upper quadrant pain.
Etiology of the abscess can be inferred based on :
- identification of E. histolytica specific antigen or DNA in stool samples
- antiamoebic antibodies in blood serum
Radiographic features
They can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from other liver abscesses. They tend to be round or oval and be variable in size although most are around 2-6 cm in diameter. An enhancing wall is present in most cases.
Other described features include:
- an incomplete rim of edema
- the margin of the abscess tends to be smooth in around 60% of cases and nodular in around 40%
- internal septations: present in around 30% of cases
- focal intrahepatic biliary dilatation peripheral to an abscess is an uncommon manifestation
Extrahepatic pathology can be present in a considerable amount of patients, including:
- pleural effusion
- perihepatic fluid collection
- gastric or colonic involvement
- retroperitoneal extension
May appear as a hypoechoic lesion with low-level internal echoes and absence of significant wall echoes.
Usually appear as rounded, well-defined lesions with attenuation values that indicate the presence of complex fluid (e.g. 10–20 HU). An enhancing wall and a peripheral zone of edema may be seen with wall thickness around 3-15 mm. The central abscess cavity can show septations and/or fluid-debris levels.
Gas can be present within an abscess if there is a complicating hepatobronchial fistula or a hepatocolic fistula.
Described signal characteristics include:
- T1: generally homogeneous low signal intensity (signal homogeneity within the abscess can be present more often on T1- than on T2-weighted images )
- T2: generally homogeneous high signal intensity; perilesional edema may be seen in half of the cases
Treatment and prognosis
Management centers on initiating anti-parasitic agents, most commonly metronidazole which also treats amoebic dysentery .
Traditionally, amoebic abscesses are treated with medical therapy as the first line as opposed to percutaneous or surgical drainage, which is the first line of treatment in pyogenic liver abscesses.
In practice, percutaneous drainage may frequently be required, particularly in:
- uncertain diagnosis
- larger abscesses which are at risk of spontaneous rupture into the peritoneal, pleural, or pericardial spaces
- failed response to metronidazole therapy - proposed as persistent symptoms after 4 days
Practical points
- amoebic abscesses may take up to 2 years to complete resolve on imaging; consequently, persistent imaging findings alone should not guide further management
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