monochorionic monoamniotic twin pregnancy
A monochorionic monoamniotic (MCMA) twin pregnancy is a subtype of monozygotic twin pregnancy. These fetuses share a single chorionic sac, a single amniotic sac, and, in general, a single yolk sac.
It accounts for the minority (~5%) of monozygotic twin pregnancies and ~1-2% of all twin pregnancies. The incidence is ~1 in 10000 of all pregnancies .
It results from a separation of a single ovum at ~ 8-13 days following formation (i.e. later than with an MCDA pregnancy). By this time a trophoblast has already formed, yielding a single placenta. These fetuses share a single chorionic sac, a single amniotic sac, and most often a single yolk sac. The twins are identical (and of course of the same gender).
This type of pregnancy carries a relatively high incidence of congenital anomalies .
Radiographic features
First trimester
- shows a twin pregnancy with a single gestational sac and a most often a single yolk sac (which helps to differentiate from a DCDA and MCDA pregnancy)
- there is no inter-twin membrane: theoretically, this differentiates from a DCDA and MCDA pregnancy
- however, even in an MCDA pregnancy, the intertwin membrane may be difficult to see
- therefore non-visualization of the intertwin membrane is not in itself diagnostic
Second trimester
Features noted on a second-trimester scan includes:
- specific to an MCMA pregnancy
- there can be the presence of cord entanglement
- there can be the presence of cord fusion
- absent inter-twin membrane: although may be difficult to see sometimes even with an MCDA pregnancy
- common to both MCMA and MCDA pregnancies
- a single placenta is seen
- absent twin peak sign
An MCMA pregnancy carries the highest level of potential complications out of all twin pregnancies (with reported rates of overall perinatal mortality up to 70-80% ). These include:
- problems related to abnormal placental vascular anastomoses
- twin to twin transfusion syndrome: his particular complication only occurs in ~10-15% of MCMA pregnancies and therefore less common than MCDA pregnancies
- twin embolization syndrome
- twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence
- demise of one twin: often associated with some adverse outcome to the other twin
- placental insertion related problems
- increased incidence of velamentous cord insertion (c.f singleton pregnancy)
- increased incidence of marginal cord insertion (c.f singleton pregnancy)
- umbilical cord related complications
See also
Siehe auch:
- marginal cord insertion
- Dottersack
- inter twin membrane
- twin embolisation syndrome
- dichorionic - diamniotic
- twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence
- monochoriale-diamniote Zwillingsschwangerschaft
- monozygotic twins
- monochorionic - diamniotic twins
- entangled cords
- umbilical cord knots
- twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
- Insertio velamentosa
- Mehrlingsschwangerschaft
- twin peak sign
- Thrombose der Umbilikalarterien
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