
diffuses Kontrastmittelenhancement nach lumbaler Liquorleckage.

• Pseudomeningocoele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Traumatic brachial plexus injury with pseudomeningoceles - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Infant with
brachial plexus injury at birth. Sagittal (left) and axial (right) T2 MRI without contrast of the cervical spine shows a left sided extradural CSF collection posterior to the spinal cord from C6 to T1. The diagnosis was avulsion pseudomeningocele with possible avulsion of the C7 nerve root.

rhinitis: a case report and review. Preoperative CT scan of the head. A preoperative CT scan of the head with intrathecal contrast was done to localize the CSF leak. The frontal view is shown here. The scan shows a defect in the cribriform plate with confluent CSF extension into several bilateral ethmoid air cells, evidenced by the higher intensity signal of the contrast. Secondarily, there is mucosal thickening in the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses.

rhinorrhea: non-contrast CT, contrast-enhanced CT cisternography or combined?. Non-contrast CT with bone window in coronal and sagittal planes (A and B) show bony defect (3 mm) at roof of right compartment of sphenoid sinus (white arrow), CT cisternography in coronal plane (C) show CSF active contrast leak through that bony defect (black arrow) into the right sphenoid sinus (D), right frontal sinus (E) and right nasal cavity (F)

rhinorrhea: non-contrast CT, contrast-enhanced CT cisternography or combined?. Non-contrast CT in coronal plane (A) shows defect in left cribriform plate of ethmoid (white arrow), CT cisternography in coronal and axial planes (B&C) show: contrast leak through left cribriform plate of ethmoid (black arrow) (B) to the left nasal cavity and left sphenoid sinus (arrowhead and star) (C). Note previous left middle turbinectomy, partial excision of nasal septum, minimal mucosal thickening of both maxillary sinuses and mildly deviated nasal septum to the right side (A and B)

rhinorrhea: non-contrast CT, contrast-enhanced CT cisternography or combined?. Non-contrast CT with bone window in coronal plane (A) shows no bone defect, CT cisternography in coronal and sagittal planes (B and C, respectively) show: CSF contrast leak into the right ethmoidal sinus (white arrow). Note mild bilateral mucosal thickening of both maxillary sinuses, left nasal septum spur and mildly deviated nasal septum to the left side

rhinorrhea: non-contrast CT, contrast-enhanced CT cisternography or combined?. Non-contrast CT in coronal (A), CT cisternography in coronal (B), sagittal (C) and axial (D) planes show defect measuring 6 mm in the roof of the right ethmoid sinus (white arrow) (A and B) with evidence of contrast leak through this defect in addition to herniated brain tissue from the right frontal lobe (black arrow) (C and D)

intracranial hypotension with spinal myelography imaging findings.. Sagittal T2-weighted image of the cervical spine. Coronal source images from MR-myelography show C1-C2 false localising sign (a) (curved arrows) and true CSF leakage at TH1 (b) – TH2 (c ) levels bilaterally (arrows).

• Traumatic pseudomeningocele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Large disc extrusion with postoperative pseudomeningocoele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Post-traumatic pseudo-meningocele at right brachial plexus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Pseudomeningocele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Brachial plexus injury with pseudomeningocoeles - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Traumatic pseudomeningocoeles of the brachial plexus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Pseudomeningocoele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Pseudomeningocele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

dura (CSF leak) • Spinal epidural CSF leak in a case of intracranial hypotension - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Pseudomeningocele refers to an abnormal collection of cerebrospinal fluid that occurs due to leakage from the CSF-filled spaces surrounding the brain and spinal cord as a result of trauma or surgery.
The salient feature of pseudomeningocele is that it contains CSF that communicates with the CSF surrounding the brain or spinal cord and it is not lined by dura.
In brachial plexus injury, the key feature is that the nerve root avulsion pseudomeningocele does not contain any neural elements.
Differential diagnosis
Siehe auch:
- Meningozele
- lateral meningocele
- Otoliquorrhoe
- Rhinoliquorrhoe
- Defekt in der Lamina cribrosa des Os ethmoidale
- Festooned dura (CSF leak)
- posttraumatic syringomyelia
- laterale thorakale Meningozele
- CT Cisternographie
- Verletzungen der Nervenwurzeln
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Defekt in der
Lamina cribrosa des Os ethmoidale