subcapsular renal haematoma

synovial-sarcoma of the kidney. Portal venous phase images confirmed subcapsular haematoma (+) without signs of active bleeding, minimal retroperitoneal bloody effusion (arrowheads), and large demarcated exophytic complex mass with hyperattenuating regions (*).

synovial-sarcoma of the kidney. Portal venous phase images confirmed subcapsular haematoma (+) without signs of active bleeding, minimal retroperitoneal bloody effusion (arrowheads), and large demarcated exophytic complex mass with hyperattenuating regions (*) and septa (thin arrows).

playing ice hockey who was hit hard by another player into the boards. Axial CT without contrast of the abdomen (above) shows the unenhanced right kidney to have a low density dilated central collecting system and to be surrounded by a high density cresenteric fluid collection in the right perirenal space. Axial CT with contrast (below) better shows the low density dilated central collecting system and a decreased amount of enhancement in the right kidney when compared to the normal left kidney. The amount of enhancement in the right kidney is the same density as the right perirenal fluid collection.The diagnosis was a right perirenal hematoma in a patient with right ureteropelvic junction obstruction.

non-surgical treatment on bilateral spontaneous perirenal giant hematomas in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with MPO-ANCA positive. Abdominal enhanced CT imaging of a subcapsular hematoma of the right kidney on day 1

non-surgical treatment on bilateral spontaneous perirenal giant hematomas in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with MPO-ANCA positive. Abdominal CT imaging and ultrasonography on day 10. a Abdominal CT imaging of bilateral perirenal hematomas on day 10. The density area in front of vertebral bone was the intervertebral disc and the iliopsoas muscle. These were also found in another slice of first abdominal CT. b The photograph of ultrasonography of the left kidney on day 10