Eitrige /
bakterielle Perikarditis in der Computertomographie. Man erkennt die deutliche Kontrastmittelaufnahme des Perikards. Die Dichte in der perikardialen Flüssigkeit hatte Werte um 20 Hounsfield-Einheiten, der Pleuraerguss rechts Werte um 7 Hounsfield-Einheiten. In der Folge wurde eine Perikarddrainage angelegt.
A rare case
of pericarditis and pleural empyema secondary to transdiaphragmatic extension of pyogenic liver abscess. a. Computed tomography (CT) of chest demonstrated 10 × 6 × 8 cm (segment IV) and 4 × 4 × 4 cm (segment V) sized liver abscesses (black arrows), subphrenic fluid collection (white arrow), and moderate amount of pericaridal effusion (arrowheads). b. Intraoperative findings showed inflamed and necrotic diaphragm (white arrow) abutting liver abscess. c. After pericardial window was created, a pericardial drainage tube was inserted (white arrow). d. Follow-up abdomen CT after 20 days showed decreased size of liver abscess (black arrow) and subphremic fluid collection (white arrow), and complete resolution of pericardial effusion (arrowheads)