neutropene Enterokolitis

School ager
status with acute lymphocytic leukemia and abdominal pain. AXR AP (above left) is unremarkable. Axial CT with contrast of the abdomen (above right) shows moderate thickening of the cecum. Transverse and sagittal US of the cecum (below) shows a moderately thickened cecum lying above the right psoas muscle.The diagnosis was typhlitis in a patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia.

School ager
with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and abdominal pain. Axial CT with IV and oral contrast of the abdomen shows marked thickening of the wall of the cecum. The remainder of the colon was unremarkable.The diagnosis was typhlitis in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
neutropene Enterokolitis
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