calcified liver lesions

tuberculosis: a multimodality imaging review. A middle-aged woman with a history of treated tuberculosis. a, b Axial contrast-enhanced CT images reveal multiple calcified lesions in the liver and spleen in keeping with calcified granulomas

hydatid infection • Calcified hydatid cyst of the liver - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

disease • Hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

disease • Hepatic hydatid cysts - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

A strange
case of pulmonary embolism. A large multiloculated partly calcified echinococcal cyst is seen in III-IV hepatic segment; the lesion is continuity with left hepatic vein, which is not detectable, being filled with hypodense material.

hydatid infection • Hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

disease • Calcified hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hydatid infection • Hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hydatid infection • Calcified hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

tuberculosis: a multimodality imaging review. a, b Plain CT images shows lesion with dense nodular calcification in the left lobe up to the interlobar fissure with concomitant multiple calcified lesions in spleen (arrows)

calcifying fibrous tumor at six sites in one patient: a case report. CT image right adrenal gland CFT.

carcinoma with ring calcification mimicking hydatid disease: a case report. Dynamic CT. a A calcified tumor was seen in segment 6 of the liver in the plain CT. b CT in the arterial phase showing partial early enhancement of the tumor (indicated by white arrows). c CT in the delayed phase showing a washed-out pattern in the tumor

metastatic neuroendocrine tumour. Coronal reconstructed CT image, acquired after contrast administration, shows the dilated and thickened appendix, with associated periappendiceal stranding. A heterogeneous, enhancing liver lesion is also present, with coarse calcifications.

hepatic cystic echinococcosis with chronic hydatid cysto-hepato-bronchial fistula. Nodule with an irregular calcified rim in the hepatic segment VII; an intra-nodular gas bubble and focal disruption of the diaphragm are appreciable.

tuberculosis: a multimodality imaging review. Coronal-oblique and coronal CT images in a patient with tubercular cholangitis displaying thickening and stricture of the extrahepatic common duct (arrows) with upstream intrahepatic biliary dilatation. The presence of hepatic calcifications (dotted arrows) help exclude cholangiocarcinoma and instead consider tuberculosis in appropriate clinical settings

tuberculosis: a multimodality imaging review. A 35-year-old man previously treated for pulmonary tuberculosis now presenting with elevated alkaline phosphatase. a, b Axial contrast-enhanced CT reveals chunky calcified nodular lesion in the segment VII of right lobe (arrow) with adjacent biliary radical dilatation (dotted arrow). b, c Axial T1- and T2-weighted MRI shows the corresponding lesion to be hypointense on T1 (thick arrow) and isointense to liver parenchyma on T2-weighted sequence. e, f Axial T2-weighted MRI reveals focal biliary radical dilatation (paired arrows), which is very well depicted on the MRCP image (short arrow)

calcifications and dysfunction following liver transplantation. A: Serum Bilirubin levels (μmol/L) for patient 1 (solid line) and for patient 2 (dashed line). The arrowheads indicate the time points where calcifications were detected. B: International Normalization Ratio (INR) for patient 1 (solid line) and for patient 2 (dashed line). Arrowheads indicate the time points where calcifications were detected. C: Computed Tomography of patient 2. The arrow points an area in the right liver with the same density as the spinal column (arrowhead). D: Picture of the explant liver during retransplantation of the same patient (case 2). The arrow shows the abnormal area of the right liver correlating with the computed tomography findings. E: Light microscopy of epoxy embedded semi-section obtained from the liver biopsy from patient 1. The image shows moderate calcification (microcalcification) throughout the section. The arrow indicates a representative pattern of calcification. F: Light microscopy of epoxy embedded semi-section obtained from the tissues of the explant, following liver retransplantation of patient 2. The image shows the interface between calcified region (upper right) and non-calcified adjacent hepatic cells (lower left region). G: Light microscopy image showing a higher magnification of calcified region as shown in F. The bright and high contrast regions represent massive mineralization of hepatic cells of the explant, following retransplantation. H: Transmission electron microscopy images of ultrathin section obtained from the transitional zone between calcified and non-calcified tissue. Showing the mode of calcification and textural organization of hydroxyapatite crystal aggregates (dark contrast) within cytoplasmic region of the cell. Note alteration of the nucleus in the center.
verkalkte Leberläsionen
calcified liver lesions
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