RANZCR part 2 examination
The RANZCR Part 2 examination is a set of written and viva examinations that are typically first attempted in the 4th year of radiology training, and are one of the requirements for the awarding of Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (FRANZCR). In order to be eligible to sit the part 2 examination, trainees must have successfully completed the RANZCR part 1 examination, as well as all the other training requirements in Phase 1 training (years 1 to 3).
The examinations are held twice a year. Unlike the part 1 examination the written components are only held in Sydney, Australia. The viva examinations are currently held in the AMC National Testing Center in Melbourne, Australia.
There are 3 written examinations which are held over a period of two days, and are all delivered electronically:
- radiodiagnosis written exam (e-Film reading)
- 8 cases consisting of a variety of imaging modalities to be completed in 120 minutes
- written answers for imaging findings, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and management
- radiodiagnosis MCQs
- 100 multiple choice questions (best answer of five stems), to be completed in 120 minutes
- pathology MCQs
- 100 multiple choice questions (best answer of five stems), to be completed in 120 minutes
The viva examinations are typically held around two months after the written examinations. Candidates are not aware of their marks in the written examinations prior to sitting the vivas. These consist of 7 examinations each 25 minutes long, held over 2 days:
- abdominal
- thoracic and cardiovascular
- neuroradiology; head and neck
- women's imaging: breast; obstetrics and gynecology
- pediatrics
- musculoskeletal
- pathology
Note: details correct at time of writing. Please check with RANZCR for updated details.