Fungal osteomyelitis

Fungal osteomyelitis is an uncommon form of osteomyelitis that often occur concurrently with septic arthritis.

Clinical presentation

They generally tend to present in an indolent fashion.


Fungal bone and joint infections result from direct inoculation, contiguous infection spread, or hematogenous seeding of organisms. The most common offending organisms include

  • Candida sp - e.g. Candida albicans
  • Aspergillus sp

Other uncommon agents include

  • Histoplasma sp
  • Blastomyces sp
  • Coccidioides sp
  • Cryptococcus sp
  • Sporothrix sp.

With C. albicans vertebral osteomyelitis considered the most common location in adults, whereas femoral and humeral bones are typically involved in pediatric patients. With Aspergillus spp., vertebral bodies and ribs are considered most frequently involved .