Mandibular condylar hyperplasia
Condylar hyperplasia is a rare pathology of the mandible, which refers to an asymmetrical, non-neoplastic growth of a mandibular condyle.
Mandibular condylar hyperplasia usually occurs unilaterally. It affects males and females equally and is usually encountered between 10-30 years of age.
Clinical presentation
In most cases patients present with progressive facial asymmetry, chewing dysfunction and dental malocclusion.
The etiology is not clearly understood.
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph/CT
Asymmetrical enlargement of the mandibular condyle with elongation of the neck and asymmetrical overgrowth of its body and ramus. No cortical thinning or destruction.
Nuclear medicine
Bone scan usually reveals increased uptake in the condyle on the affected side. A SPECT with increased relative uptake compared with the opposite (normal) side of 55% or greater has been suggested as a diagnostic criteria .
Treatment and prognosis
The method of treatment is condylectomy on the affected side.