Important figures in the history of radiology
In the history of radiology, certain important figures stand out for their significant contributions to the development of radiology as a science, medical specialty and major advance in patient care. This list is by necessity arbitrary, although we (the editors) hope that the majority of those listed will not be controversial selections. However, we recognize that the list is not exhaustive nor anywhere near 'complete' and we would welcome the inclusion of additional 'worthy' individuals.
For each individual on the following list, we have provided a flavor of their key contributions.
- James Ambrose: pioneer of CT as a clinical tool
- Eugene W Caldwell
- Ben Felson: popularized Aunt Minnie, silhouette sign, chest x-ray textbook
- Felix Fleischner: chest radiology eponyms
- Peter Kerley: co-founder Faculty of Radiology (UK)
- Alban Köhler: writer of a classic text, still in print!
- Philip E S Palmer
- Maurice M Reeder: writer of a classic text on gamuts
- Sydney D Rowland: founding editor of first-ever radiology journal
- Albert Salomon: first breast radiologist
- Colonel William L Thompson: a military radiologist important in establishing radiologic pathology through work with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
- Arthur Schüller: the "father" of neuroradiology, wrote, in 1912, "Roentgen Diagnosis of Diseases of the Head ", the most important essay on craniology of the 20 century
- Gustav P Bucky: radiologist, invented the grid for reduction of scattered radiation (1913)
- Johann Radon: mathematician, he described the principles (Radon transform) for the reconstruction of tomography images (1917)
- Walter E Dandy: neurosurgeon at the Johns Hopkins University, introduced ventriculography (1918) and pneumoencephalography (1919) to clinical practice
- Jean-Athanase Sicard and Jacques Forestier: realized the first positive contrast myelogram (1921)
- Alessandro Vallebona (1930) and Bernard George Ziedses des Plantes (1931): the pioneers of stratigraphy (tomography)
- Stig Radner: published, in 1948, “Thoracic aortography by catheterization from the radial artery; preliminary report of a new technique.”
- Juan M Taveras: the co-founder of the American Society of Neuroradiology, writer of a classic textbook on neuroradiology, and founding editor of the American Journal of Neuroradiology