Meningo-ophthalmic artery
The meningo-ophthalmic artery is a variant arterial anatomy in which the entire supply to the ophthalmic artery derives from the middle meningeal artery. This variation represents one extreme of a spectrum of the persistence of the embryologic stapedial artery.
Gross anatomy
The meningo-ophthalmic artery passes through the superior orbital fissure, as opposed to the standard ophthalmic artery, which passes through the optic canal to enter the orbit.
Radiographics features
Angiography (DSA)
Choroidal blush will be absent on internal carotid injection.
Related pathology
Knowledge of this variant is essential to avoid occlusion of the retinal arterial supply during therapeutic middle meningeal artery embolization, e.g. for juvenile nasal fibroangioma.