MRI (an abbreviation of magnetic resonance imaging) is an imaging modality that uses non-ionizing radiation to create useful diagnostic images.
In simple terms, an MRI scanner consists of a large, powerful magnet in which the patient lies. A radio wave antenna is used to send signals to the body and then a radiofrequency receiver detects the emitted signals. These returning signals are converted into images by a computer attached to the scanner. Imaging of any part of the body can be obtained in any plane.
MRI was initially called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR imaging or NMRI) after its early use for chemical analysis. The initial "nuclear" part was dropped about 25 years ago because of fears that people would think there was something radioactive involved, which there is not.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) continues to be the term of choice in the physical sciences.
In general, "MRI" or "MR imaging" are used as the abbreviations for standard MRI. Often "MR" is also used as shorthand, e.g. "the patient has had MR liver", "the patient has had MR of the liver" or "the patient has had MR scanning of the liver".
When referring to angiography performed using MRI, it is never "MRI angiography", instead the "imaging" part of the phrase/abbreviation is dropped, becoming magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Similarly also magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and magnetic resonance enterography (MRE).
Why use MRI
Advantages of MRI include:
Disadvantages of MRI include:
- MR image acquisition is noisy compared to CT
- MRI scanner bores tend to be more enclosed than CT with associated claustrophobia
History and etymology
Nuclear magnetic resonance was discovered simultaneously by two physicists, Felix Bloch and Edward Mills Purcell, just after the end of the Second World War. Bloch trained in quantum mechanics and was involved with atomic energy and then radar countermeasures. At the end of the war, he returned to his earlier work on the magnetic moment of the neutron. Purcell was involved with the development of microwave radar during the war then pursued radio waves for the evaluation of molecular and nuclear properties. They received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1952 for this discovery.
For many years, the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance has been used by chemists to study atoms and molecules. It was Raymond Damadian who first demonstrated - in experimental animals - that by measuring the relaxation times of tissues (T1 and T2) it was possible to differentiate normal tissues from pathological tissues (1971).
The use of NMR to produce 2D images (later renamed MRI) was accomplished by Paul Lauterbur, imaging water, and Sir Peter Mansfield who imaged the fingers of a research student, Andrew Maudsley in 1976. Maudsley continues to make a significant contribution to the development of MRI today. Raymond Damadian obtained human images a year later in 1977. Lauterbur and Mansfield received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2003 for their development of MRI. This award was controversial in that the contributions of Damadian to the development of MRI were overlooked by the Nobel Committee.
Siehe auch:
- zipper artifact
- MR Pulse Sequenzen - Abkürzungen
- MR spectroscopy
- Suszeptibilitätsartefakt
- black boundary artifact
- chemical shift artifact
- MRT Sequenzen
- Einfaltungsartefakte
- zebra stripes
- Gradientenechosequenz
- spin echo sequences
- Gibbs-Artefakte
- entry slice phenomenon
- diffusionsgewichtete Bildgebung
- Artefakte in der Magnetresonanztomographie
- gastrointestinal MRI contrast agents
- magic angle effect
- relaxation
- 1,5 Tesla versus 3 Tesla
- moire fringes
- ferromagnetism
- Time-of-Flight-MRA
- precession
- Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie
- Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis
- fat suppressed imaging sequences
- slice-overlap artifact
- phase contrast imaging
- t2* relaxation
- central point artifact
- MRT Sicherheit
- T2 relaxation
- paramagnetism
- K-space
- acquisition time
- trade offs
- saturation recovery sequences
- intravascular (blood pool) MRI contrast agents
- reticuloendothelial MRI contrast agents
- magnetism
- hepatobiliary MRI contrast agents
- diamagnetism
- zero-fill artifact
- superparamagnetism
- intravenous MRI contrast agents
- magnets
- aliasing
- Fourier transformation
- cross excitation
- MR safety
- T1 relaxation
- tumor-specific MRI contrast agents
- resonance and radiofrequency (RF)
- RF overflow artifacts
- IR - inversion recovery
- diastolic pseudogating
- MR contrast agents
- resolution
- electronics and data processing
- Ortskodierung
- radiofrequency and gradient coils
- vascular sequences (MRA / MRV)
und weiter:
- vegetable and plant inspired signs
- Grundlagen der Magnetresonanz-Tomographie
- neuroradiologisches Curriculum
- B0
- larmor frequency
- paramagnetic contrast agents
- rosette-forming glioneuronal tumours
- annular fissure
- Tomografie
- T1 gewichtete Bildgebung
- Rosettenbildender glioneuronaler Tumor
- CT vs MRI
- Flip-Winkel
- net magnitisation vector
- Radiologie Technik