
Chain of
ossicles and their ligaments, seen from the front in a vertical, transverse section of the tympanum. (Testut.)

Ossicles are "small bones" - the definition is really that broad! In human anatomy, the small bones in the middle ear are referred to as "the ossicles", but there are many other small bones in the hand and feet that appear are normal variant anatomy and are termed "accessory ossicles":
Siehe auch:
- akzessorische Knochen Fuß
- Akzessorische Handknochen
- Ossikel am vorderen Atlasbogen
- Stapes
- akzessorische Knochen Kniegelenk
- Akzessorischer Knochen
- Malleus
- Gehörknöchelchen
- Amboss
- Ossikel am Kiefergelenk
- Goldenberg prosthesis
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