Masaoka staging system of thymoma

II : Infiltration von benachbartem mediastinalem Fett oder der Pleura

Stadium III : Infiltration von benachbarten Organen oder Gefäßen

transversal eines Thymoms WHO B1, Stadium I nach Masaoka-Staging (Kapsel intakt).

A diagnostic
approach to the mediastinal masses. Axial (a) and coronal multiplanar reconstruction (b) of a non-contrast-enhanced CT scan of a 57-year-old man allergic to iodine with a thymoma. A solid lobulated thymic mass (*) with clumps of calcifications within (arrowhead) is identified. Note the absence of a fat plane between the tumour and the aorta (open arrow). d Coronal T2-weighted MR image shows a typical signal hyperintensity of the tumour lesion (*). c Axial contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image reveals a homogeneously enhanced solid tumour (*) which arises from the thymus. Although MRI demonstrates the presence of fat cleavage plane between ascending aorta and the tumour, a thymoma (WHO type A) with microscopic transcapsular invasion (Masaoka stage II) was confirmed after surgical resection

epithelial tumors • Thymoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

neoplasms of the thymus • Thymoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
The Masaoka staging system is commonly adopted for thymomas , and is the most important determinant of survival following surgical resection :
- stage I: intact thymic capsule
- stage II: capsular invasion into adjacent mediastinal fat or pleura
- stage III: macroscopic invasion into adjacent organs, vessels
- stage IV
- IVa: dissemination in thoracic cavity (i.e. pleural or pericardial implants)
- IVb: distant metastases
Stage II and above are regarded as thymic carcinoma .
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