ultrasonography focused on the posterior eye segment: what radiologists should know. Neovascular age-related macular degeneration. a Top image: optical coherence tomography (OCT) image in a patient with active neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) shows serous detachment of retinal pigment epithelium (arrows) and neurosensory retinal detachment (arrowheads). Note also the subretinal haemorrhage (white circle) and subretinal fluid (white asterisk). Bottom image: non-pathologic OCT in another patient. b 71-year-old man with progressive vision loss in the right eye. US shows a mass on the temporal side of the posterior wall next to the papilla (asterisk); note also the posterior vitreous detachment (arrows). Final diagnosis was subretinal haemorrhage due to choroidal neovessels in the context of neovascular AMD
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Makuladegeneration: