verkalktes Ligamentum sacrotuberale
sacrotuberale mit Verkalkungen im Röntgenbild des Beckens (im Liegen).
des Ligamentum sacrotuberale einseitig rechts. Zusätzlich ausgeprägte Koxarthrose.
sacrotuberale mit Verkalkungen in der Computertomographie Volumen Rendering. Auch sonst multiple ligamentäre Verkalkungen und Anbauten im Rahmen einer DISH.
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ligament • Sacrotuberous ligament ossification - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
verkalktes Ligamentum sacrotuberale
Ligamentum sacrotuberale Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
The sacrotuberous ligament (STL) is a stabilizer of the sacroiliac joint and connects the bony pelvis to the vertebral column.
Gross anatomy
The STL has a broad fan-like origin from the sacrum, coccyx, ilium and sacroiliac joint capsule. Its fibers converge to course caudally to insert into the medial ischial tuberosity and additional fibers (known as the falciform ligament) extend to the ischial ramus .
It forms a boundary of the greater and lesser sciatic foramen. Many of its fibers blend with other musculotendinous structures :
- provides extensive insertion for the gluteus maximus muscle
- distal fibers partially blend with the proximal tendon of the long head of biceps femoris
- sacrospinous ligament
- dorsal sacroiliac ligament
The sacrotuberous ligament is pierced by coccygeal branches of the inferior gluteal artery, the perforating cutaneous nerve, and branches of the coccygeal plexus .
Related pathology
- pudendal nerve entrapment syndrome
- may be secondary to sacrotuberous ligament calcification (see Case 1)
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