Dysfunktion ventrikuloperitonealer Shunt

hypotension • Chronic intracranial hypotension (due to overshunting) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Toddler with
increasing sommulenceAP radiograph of the skull shows a discontinuity between the tip of the VP shunt and the rest of the VP shunt. Axial, coronal, and sagittal CT without contrast of the brain shows marked hydrocephalus with transependymal flow of cerebrospinal fluid.The diagnosis was VP shunt malfunction due to shunt discontinuity.

School ager
with ventriculoperitoneal shunt and new headache. Axial T2 MRI without contrast of the brain from 1 year ago (left) shows normal size of the anterior and posterior horns of the lateral ventricles. The tip of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt (not shown) was in a correct position. Axial T2 MRI without contrast of the brain from today (right) shows interval decrease in size of the anterior and posterior horns of the lateral ventricles which appear slit-like. The tip of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt (not shown) was in a correct position.The diagnosis was ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction in the form of overshunting in a patient with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.

Toddler with
increased fussinessAP and lateral radiographs of the skull shows migration of the VP shunt catheter tip out of its right-sided burr hole in the skull.The diagnosis was VP shunt malfunction due to migration of the catheter tip out of the skull.

School ager
with headachesAP and lateral radiographs of the skull show a kink in the VP shunt in the middle of the neck.The diagnosis was VP shunt malfunction due to kinking of the shunt.

shunt complications: a local study at Qena University Hospital: a retrospective study. a Plain CT brain of an 18-month-old infant showing bilateral chronic subdural hematoma due to right-sided VP shunt overdrainage. b Plain CT brain of a 1-year-old infant showing right-sided chronic subdural hematoma due to right-sided VP shunt overdrainage

with 2 weeks of abdominal distensionAP and lateral radiographs of the abdomen show the VP shunt to be coiled upon itself and there is a suggestion of a retrogastric mass on the lateral view. Transverse US of the left upper quadrant of the abdomen shows a large cystic structure with the VP shunt tip within it.The diagnosis was VP shunt malfunction due to CSFoma.

with a new palpable prominence over the region of the VP shunt in the neckAP and lateral radiographs of the skull and an AP radiograph of the abdomen shows a discontinuity between the reservoir of the VP shunt in the neck and the remainder of the VP shunt in the abdomen.The diagnosis was VP shunt malfunction due to shunt discontinuity.

shunt complications: a local study at Qena University Hospital: a retrospective study. a Plain X-ray AP view on the skull and upper chest of a 17-year-male patient showing a fracture of distal tube of right VP shunt at the neck region (b arrow). b Plain X-rays AP view on the pelvis migrated disconnected distal catheter (c arrow)
Dysfunktion ventrikuloperitonealer Shunt
Siehe auch:
- ventrikuloperitonealer Shunt
- Ventrikulitis
- intraabdominelle Liquorzele bei VP-Shunt
- ventrikuloperitonealer Shunt Komplikationen
- Shunt Überdrainage
- Diskonnektion ventrikuloperitonealer Shunt
- pädiatrische Erkrankungen des Liquorsystems
- Verkalkungen des ventrikuloperitonealen Shunt-Katheters
- VP-Shunt
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Shunt Komplikationen