benigne myxoide Transformation der Knochenmatrix bei Fibröser Dysplasie

dysplasia for radiologists: beyond ground glass bone matrix. Benign myxoid bone matrix transformation in fibrous dysplasia (FD). a A patient with known FD of the femurs presents with an enlarging right thigh mass. b Axial unenhanced CT of the lower extremities shows a large heterogeneous mass in the right thigh replacing femur and causing mass effect on thigh muscles. Please note a normal position of the intramedullary road in the left femur. c The mass in the right thigh shows a focal 99m-Tc MDP radiotracer uptake. d Subsequently, the patient developed the same complication in the left leg. The image demonstrates extensive myxoid degeneration of the left femur
benigne myxoide Transformation der Knochenmatrix bei Fibröser Dysplasie
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der Knochenmatrix bei Fibröser Dysplasie