Accessory muscle
sternalis als anatomische Variante rechts neben dem Sternum vor dem M. pectoralis major. Computertomographie links axial und rechts in Volumen rendering - Rekonstruktion. Der Muskel kann gerade in axialen Bildern als Pathologie fehlinterpretiert werden.
sternalis als anatomische Variante rechts neben dem Sternum vor dem M. pectoralis major. Computertomographie links sagittal und rechts in Volumen rendering - Rekonstruktion. Der Muskel kann gerade in axialen Bildern als Pathologie fehlinterpretiert werden.
soft tissue lesions of the foot and ankle: a pictorial review. Accessory muscle. Sagittal T1-WI. An accessory soleus (black asterisk) is seen anterior-inferior to the soleus muscle (white asterisk), arising from the tibia (origin not shown) and with a tendinous insertion onto the superior surface of the calcaneus anteromedial to the Achilles tendon (arrow). This is just one of the five types of accessory soleus that have been described on the basis of insertion characteristics
soft tissue lesions of the foot and ankle: a pictorial review. Accessory muscle: peroneus quartus. Axial T1-WI at the level of the subtalar joint (a) and slightly below (b). Peroneus quartus (long arrow) positioned posteromedial to tendons of the long (short arrow) and short (arrowhead) peroneal muscle. Several types of peroneus quartus are described based on the distal insertion, which can be onto the peroneal tubercle or the retrotrochlear eminence of the calcaneus, and less frequently the cuboid, the peroneus longus or the inferior peroneal retinaculum
claviculae muscle: a normal variant that may be misidentified as pathology.. Axial CT images in cranio-caudal direction show a left lipoma (arrowhead). The right levator claviculae muscle is seen (thin arrow) originating from the trapezius (thick arrow) and lying antero-laterally to the levator scapulae muscle (*).
Accessory muscles are a form of anatomic variation that refers to supplementary discrete muscles that are found alongside the normal expected musculature. They have been described in the neck, pelvis, upper and lower limbs.
Siehe auch:
- Musculus sternalis
- akzessorische Muskeln Knie
- akzessorische Muskeln am Sprunggelenk
- psoas minor muscle
- akzessorischer Musculus soleus
- tensor fasciae suralis muscle
- Sehne des Musculus peroneus tertius
- akzessorische Peronealmuskeln
- extensor digitorum brevis manus muscle
- Musculus peroneocalcaneus internus
- akzessorische Halsmuskeln
- Musculus fibularis quadratus
- extensor digitorum brevis manus
- accessory popliteus muscle
- accessory hypothenar muscles
- accessory flexor digiti minimi muscle
- accessory head of the flexor pollicis longus muscle
- Musculus flexor digitorum accessorius longus
- Musculus tibiocalcaneus internus
- accessory flexor digitorum superficialis indicis muscle
- bifurcated distal biceps brachii
- variations of the origin of the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius
- variations in palmaris longus muscle anatomy
- accessory muscles of the shoulder
- accessory extensor carpi radialis muscle
- akzessorische Muskeln von Unterarm Hand und Handgelenk
- Musculus anconeus epitrochlearis accesorius
- akzessorische Muskeln am Ellenbogen
- Musculus brachialis accessorius
- Musculus flexor carpi radialis brevis vel profundus
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu accessory muscles:
anconeus epitrochlearis accesorius