adrenal pseudocyst

Adrenal cyst
• Adrenal pseudocyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. Oblique sagittal reformatted image showing the lesion’s location in close proximity with the kidney.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T1-weighted out-of-phase image showing no signal drop within the lesion, excluding the presence of fat.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T1-weighted out-of-phase image showing no signal drop within the lesion, excluding the presence of fat.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T1-weighted out-of-phase image showing no signal drop within the lesion, excluding the presence of fat.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T1-weighted in-phase image showing the lesion with low signal intensity.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T1-weighted in-phase image showing the lesion with low signal intensity.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T2-weighted image with fat-suppression showed similar findings with the T2-weighted image without fat suppression.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T2-weighted image with fat-suppression showed similar findings with the T2-weighted image without fat suppression, suggesting the cystic nature of the lesion.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T2-weighted image showing the lesion predominantly with high signal intensity but containing material of low signal intensity.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. Α coronal reformatted image showing the lesion’s relationship with the pancreas.

A giant
adrenal pseudocyst presenting with right hypochondralgia and fever: a case report. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed an 18 × 18 cm, heterogeneously hypo-echoic lesion in the right adrenal area with peripheral high-echoic rim.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. Axial thin slice showing the lesion’s proximity to the left adrenal gland.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. Axial CT image showing hyperdense material within the lesion and partial thickening of the cystic wall.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. Axial CT image showing partial thickening of the cystic wall.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. Axial CT image showing a hypodense cystic lesion containing hyperdense material.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. Colour Doppler imaging shoed no blood flow signals within the lesion.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. A predominantly anechoic lesion was identified near the left kidney, containing echogenic septa and material, consistent with a hemorrhagic cyst.

A giant
adrenal pseudocyst presenting with right hypochondralgia and fever: a case report. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well-defined high intensity mass which appeared homogeneous intense in the T 1-weighted image (A) but heterogeneously intense in the T 2-weighted image (B).

A giant
adrenal pseudocyst presenting with right hypochondralgia and fever: a case report. An enhanced computed tomography of the abdomen revealed a giant homogeneous low density mass lesion in the right adrenal region. (A) A giant mass lesion was indented over the inferior aspect of the right lobe of the liver and a displaced inferior vena cava (arrowhead) with no abdominal lymphadenopathy. (B) The right kidney was also ventrally displaced.

imaging findings of an adrenal pseudocyst.. T1-weighted out-of-phase image showing no signal drop within the lesion, excluding the presence of fat.
Adrenal pseudocysts account for ~40% of adrenal cysts and are more likely than simple adrenal cysts to be symptomatic.
Pseudocysts do not have an epithelial lining and typically arise after an episode of adrenal hemorrhage. There is an ~7% association with malignancy (e.g. from hemorrhage into a cystic adrenal neoplasm) .
Radiographic features
Adrenal pseudocysts appear as a simple cyst or may have a complicated appearance (i.e. septations, blood products, or a soft-tissue component).
Calcification may be present . Usually, there is no enhancement post contrast.
Differential diagnosis
Imaging differential considerations include:
- cystic adrenal neoplasm: often has an enhancing component
See also
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