Adrenal lesions (differential)
Adrenal lesions cover a broad spectrum from benign to neoplastic entities. Due to increased use of cross-sectional imaging they are frequently detected as incidental lesions (incidentalomas). If found incidentally, please refer to the Management of Incidental Adrenal Masses: American College of Radiology White Paper .
Radiology plays a significant role in differentiation. Cross-sectional imaging is the mainstay of imaging for identifying and assessing adrenal lesions, for which an algorithm to aid characterization is helpful .
Small unilateral adrenal mass
- adrenal adenoma: most common lesion detected on CT
- adrenal metastasis
- pheochromocytoma
- asymmetric adrenal cortical hyperplasia
- adrenal granulomatous disease
- adrenal myelolipoma
Large solid adrenal mass
- adrenal cortical carcinoma
- pheochromocytoma
- neuroblastoma
- ganglioneuroblastoma
- ganglioneuroma
- adrenal myelolipoma
- adrenal metastasis
- adrenal hemorrhage
- adrenal abscess
- adrenal hemangioma
Cystic lesions
- adrenal cyst
- adrenal pseudocyst
- adrenal endothelial cyst
- adrenal epithelial cyst
- adrenal parasitic cyst
- adrenal cortical adenoma with low density
Other lesions
- adrenal lymphangioma
- adrenal haemangiosarcoma
- adrenal lymphoma
- adrenal hemorrhage
- adrenal teratoma
- extramedullary hematopoiesis in adrenal gland
Other adrenal pathology
See also
Siehe auch:
- Nebennierenraumforderungen
- Tuberkulose
- Myelolipom Nebenniere
- Nebennierenadenom
- Neuroblastom
- Phäochromozytom
- Nebennierenblutung
- benignes Ganglioneurom
- Nebennierenrindenkarzinom
- Verkalkungen der Nebennnieren
- Metastasen der Nebenniere
- zystische Läsionen der Nebennieren
- Nebennierentumor fetthaltig
- Wolman disease
- Hämangiom der Nebenniere
- Nebenniereninfarkt
- bilateral adrenal enlargement
- Pseudozyste Nebenniere
und weiter:

Läsionen der Nebennieren