Tuberculosis (commonly abbreviated to TB, short for tubercle bacillus) encompasses an enormously wide disease spectrum affecting multiple organs and body systems predominantly caused by the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A small proportion can also be caused by Mycobacterium bovis.
Although tuberculosis continues to be very common in developing nations. Approximately 10 million people globally per year have positive exposure to tuberculosis . In Western industrialised populations it has become uncommon but is increasing in prevalence among immunocompromised patients, particularly those with HIV/AIDS. An estimated 5% HIV patients have Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections, which become clinically apparent when CD4+ counts drop to below 350 cells/mm, typically with findings of post-primary pulmonary tuberculosis .
Clinical presentation
Clinical presentation will depend upon the morphology of infection and location. These are discussed in separate articles.
- morphology
- location
History and etymology
Aristotle is usually credited as being the first to recognize the contagious nature of the disease. Discovery of the specific infectious agent, the tubercle bacillus (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), did not occur for several millennia until it was isolated by Robert Koch in 1882 . M. tuberculosis was previously known as Koch bacillus and tuberculosis known as Koch disease. It was also historically known as consumption due to the severe associated weight loss.
Siehe auch:
- pulmonale Tuberkulose
- Pleuraplaques
- Miliartuberkulose
- Tuberkulose des ZNS
- pleurale Tuberkulose
- Nierentuberkulose
- miliare Lungenherde
- mycobacterium tuberculosis
- tuberkulöse Spondylitis
- Tuberkulose des Peritoneums
- primary pulmonary tuberculosis
- Kavernöse Lungenläsionen
- tuberkulöse Halslymphknoten
- post primary pulmonary tuberculosis
- urogenitale Tuberkulose
- Pleuritis exsudativa
- post-primary pulmonary tuberculosis
- multiresistente Tuberkulose
- Tuberkulose der Mamma
- pelvine Tuberkulose
- tuberkulöse Meningitis
- Tuberkulostatikum
- tuberkulöse Otomastoiditis
und weiter:
- Pleurakuppenschwielen
- verkalkte mediastinale Lymphknoten
- Dünndarmileus
- Tumoren der Hypophysenregion
- umgekehrtes Halozeichen Lunge
- Splenomegalie
- Skoliose
- apikale Pleurakappe
- Chylothorax
- pulmonale und mediastinale Sarcoidose
- Amyloidose
- reverse halo sign
- arteriovenöse Malformationen der Lunge
- mediastinal lymphoma
- Fibrothorax
- linitis plastica
- testicular epidermoid
- bilaterale hiläre Lymphadenopathie
- Gibbus
- bilaterale axilläre Lymphadenopathie
- Tuberkulose der Milz
- einzelne Pleuraraumforderung
- radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis
- retikuläres Muster
- hyperdenser Lymphknoten
- Plombage
- Erythema nodosum
- Anthrakose
- differential diagnosis of calcified pulmonary densities
- renal papillary necrosis (mnemonic)
- Raumforderungen der Trachea
- diffuse Trachealwandverdickung
- tuberculous empyema
- chronic bilateral airspace opacification
- Nebennierenläsionen
- Gynäkomastie
- zentrilobuläre Lungennoduli
- differential of chronic alveolar opacities
- differential diagnosis of unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy
- hypertrophic olivary degeneration
- melioidosis
- Skrofeln
- CNS manifestations of AIDS
- Hughes-Stovin-Syndrom
- Vergrößerung der zervikalen Lymphknoten
- pulmonary upper zone involvement (mnemonic)
- bladder calcification (mnemonic)
- opportunistische Infektionen
- papillary necrosis (mnemonic)
- dens erosion
- beschleunigte Skelettreifung
- Thorakoplastik
- Nasenseptumdefekt
- thorakale Plombage
- hyperechoic liver
- cystic cervical mass adjacent to the angle of mandible
- generalised increased liver echogenicity
- solitary sclerotic bone lesion with a lucent centre
- Tuberkulose des Larynx
- Ranke complex
- crazy paving-Muster
- small bowel folds (differential diagnoses)
- galaxy sign
- multifocal spinal tuberculosis
- extrapulmonale Manifestationen der Tuberkulose
- pulmonary manifestations of lymphomatoid granulomatosis
- diffuse Trachealverengung
- Tuberkulose von Leber und Milz
- lytic bone lesion surrounded by marked sclerosis (mnemonic)
- Knochenläsionen mit Sequester
- abdominelle und pelvine Verkalkungen
- chronic primary adrenal insufficiency
- Tuberkulose des Ösophagus
- peritoneal tuberculosis following infliximab therapy
- tubercular esophagocutaneous fistula
- Tuberkulose der Leber
- Phemister triad
- Isoniazid
- Vergrößerung der Glandula parotis
- Tuberkulose der Wirbelsäule und des Spinalkanals
- chronic tuberculosis
- idiopathische granulomatöse Mastitis
- MDR Tuberkulose
- Assmanninfiltrat
- tuberculosis in a child
- Nachweis Tbc
- Handlungsempfehlung für den Umgang mit Patienten mit vermuteter Tuberkulose
- discrete colonic ulceration
- Großgefäßvaskulitis
- tuberkulöse Lymphadenopathie
- Merkspruch Nasenseptumperforation
- triad of Phemister
- ileozökale Tuberkulose
- gastrointestinale Fistelbildungen
- Ursachen für Perfusionsdefekte in der Lungenventilations / -perfusionsszintigraphie