Vergrößerung der Glandula parotis
Parotid enlargement (also known as parotidomegaly) has a wide differential given the significant breadth of pathology that can affect the parotid gland. These can be separated by the standard surgical sieve approach into infective, inflammatory, immune, neoplastic, infiltrative, and congenital causes.
Differential diagnosis
- cat-scratch fever
- HIV parotitis
- mumps
- parotid abscess secondary to acute bacterial sialadenitis (acute parotitis)
- syphilis
- tuberculosis
- benign lymphoepithelial lesions
- chronic recurrent sialadenitis
- sarcoidosis
- Mikulicz syndrome
- Sjogren syndrome (myoepithelial sialadenitis)
- pneumoparotid
- sialolithiasis
- sialosis
- bulimia nervosa
See also: salivary gland tumors
- benign
- angiolipoma
- benign lymphoepithelial lesions (may be multiple and bilateral)
- facial nerve neurofibroma
- parotid hemangioma
- parotid lipoma
- parotid oncocytoma
- pleomorphic adenoma
- Warthin tumor (commonest bilateral tumor)
- malignant primary tumor
- metastatic
- squamous cell carcinoma
- malignant melanoma of periauricular region
- thyroid carcinoma
- lymphoproliferative
Siehe auch:
- Tuberkulose
- Sarkoidose
- Rhabdomyosarkom
- Sialolithiasis
- Pleomorphes Adenom
- Glandula parotidea
- Schilddrüsenkarzinom
- Warthin-Tumor
- Parotistumoren
- Sialadenitis
- Tumoren der Speicheldrüsen
- Sjögren-Syndrom
- Neurofibrom
- Adenoid-zystisches Karzinom
- carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma
- sialosis
- mukoepidermoides Karzinom
- surgical sieve
- malignant mixed tumour
- benigne lymphoepitheliale Läsionen
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