
der Parotis, von links nach rechts: oben T2 FS ax, DWI ax, T2 FS cor; unten T1 ax, T1 FS KM ax und cor. Etwas Umgebungsreaktion um den Tumor ist nicht klassisch; typischerweise klar nach aussen abgrenzt.

Parotid gland
oncocytoma: a case report. Computer tomography (CT) findings: tumour mass of the left parotid gland.

Imaging of
parotid anomalies in infants and children. Acinic cell carcinoma. Satellite lymphadenomegaly on frontal fat sat T2-weighted image

Imaging of
parotid anomalies in infants and children. Intermediate-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma: poorly delineated, heterogeneous tumor containing small necrotic areas [white arrow] and strongly enhanced, on ultrasonography (a and b), axial T2-weighted image (c) and T1-weighted image, after intravenous injection of gadolinium chelate (d). Time intensity curve with a signal growing rapidly in the first phase and a low wash out (< 30%): type C or plateau pattern (according to Yabuuchi), suggestive of malignancy (e). Conversely, time intensity curve of type B (orange line), with a high wash out (> 30%), in a case of parotid benign lymphadenopathy (f)

ARTICLE: The diagnostic value of combined dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in characterization of parotid gland tumors. Male patient, 62 years old presented with large Rt. Parotid swelling. a Axial T2 WI and b coronal T2 fat sat MRI showed large well-defined mass of high SI involving superficial and deep lobes of the Rt. parotid gland. It shows medial displacement of the Rt. parapharyngeal space. It is seen compressing and medially displacing the right CCA. The mass is seen contacting the right ramus of the mandible anteriorly and the right sternomastoid muscle posteriorly. c Coronal post contrast T1 fat sat MRI showed heterogeneous enhancement of the mass with cystic areas inside. d DWI the lesion appeared hypointense. e ADC map with mean ADC value = 2.2 × 10−3 mm2/s. f TIC showing type A curve (TTP = 140 s). Pathological diagnosis: pleomorphic adenoma

ARTICLE: The diagnostic value of combined dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in characterization of parotid gland tumors. Female patient 44 years old presented with right parotid swelling. a Axial T1-weighted MR image showed a well-defined lesion involving superficial lobe of right parotid gland. b Axial T2 and c coronal fat sat T2 WI showed heterogeneous SI of the right parotid lesion. d Post contrast T1 with fat suppression showed heterogeneous enhancement of the right parotid lesion. e DWI showed that lesion is hyperintense. f ADC map with mean ADC value = 0.78 × 10−3 mm2/s. g TIC showed type B curve (TTP = 80 S and WR > 30%). Pathological diagnosis: Warthin’s tumors

ARTICLE: The diagnostic value of combined dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in characterization of parotid gland tumors. Female patient, 40 years old presented with Rt. Parotid swelling. a Axial T1-weighted MRI showed large low SI infiltrating mass involving both superficial and deep lobes of the Rt. Parotid gland encasing the carotid sheath vessels. The mass extended to the Rt. parapharyngeal space and RT side of the oropharynx, RT masticator space and retromolar region. b Coronal T2 showed that the mass has heterogeneous high SI. c Axial post contrast T1 with fat suppression MRI: the lesion showed diffuse heterogeneous enhancement. d DWI showing the lesion was hyperintense. e ADC map with mean ADC value = 2 × 10−3 mm2/s. f TIC showing type C curve (TTP = 90 S, WR < 30%). Pathological diagnosis: acinic cell carcinoma.
Siehe auch:
- pleomorphes Adenom der Glandula parotis
- Hämangiom
- Pleomorphes Adenom
- Warthin-Tumor
- Tumoren der Speicheldrüsen
- Adenoid-zystisches Karzinom
- Lymphangiom
- zystische Läsionen der Glandula parotis
- myoepithelioma
- Lipom der Speicheldrüsen
- acinic cell carcinoma of salivary glands
- minor salivary gland tumour
- Lipom der Glandula parotis
- Teratom der Glandula parotis
- Hämangiom Glandula parotis
- Biopsie Glandula parotis
- parotid adenocarcinoma
- parotid lymphangioma
- staging of malignant salivary gland tumours
- Speicheldrüsenmetastasen
- Vergrößerung der Glandula parotis
- intraparotid neurofibroma
- mukoepidermoides Karzinom der Parotis
- acinic cell carcinoma of the parotid gland
- mukoepidermoides Karzinom
- enhancing mass in parotid gland
- maligne Tumoren der Parotis
- Lungenkarzinome vom Speicheldrüsentyp
- intraparotideale Metastasen
- infantiles Hämangiom der Glandula parotis
- intraparotideale Lymphknoten
- Abszess der Glandula parotis
- infantile Parotistumoren
- parotid sarcoidosis
- Adenoid-zystisches Karzinom der Speicheldrüsen
und weiter:

vom Speicheldrüsentyp
Karzinom der Speicheldrüsen