einzelne Pleuraraumforderung

This axial CT
image with intravenous contrast reveals what appears to be a posterior mediastinal mass, which was surgically removed and found to be a solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura.

Lipom der
Pleura links dorsal in der Computertomographie. Oben im Lungenfenster, unten im Weichteilfenster, dort aufgrund der geringen Dichte fast zu übersehen. Zufallsbefund im Röntgen-Thorax.

This PA chest
radiograph demonstrates an abnormal contour in the right hilar region, with visualization of the pulmonary vessels through the mass (the hilar overlay sign) indicating its posterior mediastinal location. On resection this was found to be a benign solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura.

einzelne Pleuraraumforderung
Siehe auch:
- pleurale Lipome
- Tuberkulose
- Pleuraerguss
- Pleurakarzinose
- Pleuraempyem
- Empyem
- benigne pleurale Tumoren
- Splenose
- solitärer fibröser Tumor der Pleura
- Pleuramesotheliom
- Adenokarzinom der Prostata
- maligne pleurale Tumoren
- invasives Thymom
- pleurale Lipomatose
- localised mediastinal malignant mesothelioma
- Askin tumour
- pleurale Metastasen
- multiple pleural masses
- extrapleuraler solitärer fibröser Tumor
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