Raumforderungen der Trachea

A case of
tracheal obstruction presenting as COPD. Initial PA Chest X-Ray on presentation, demonstrating a tracheal stenosis at the level of the clavicle and a hyper inflated chest with flattened hemi-diaphragms, consistent with COPD.

A case of
tracheal obstruction presenting as COPD. Coronal thoracic CT demonstrating a marked narrowing of the trachea, below the level of the thyroid, with a 3.5 cm inferior extension.

A case of
tracheal obstruction presenting as COPD. Transverse thoracic CT demonstrating a significant reduction in tracheal luminal diameter with the absence of any focal lung lesions, suggestive of a primary tumour. The oesophagus appears compressed. Mediastinal lymph nodes are not seen.

A case of
tracheal obstruction presenting as COPD. Chest X-Ray following the insertion of the T-tube, confirming it is in a satisfactory position.
The differential for tracheal masses can be rather wide.
For a single mass consider:
- metastasis
- direct invasion from adjacent organ (lung, thyroid, esophagus and larynx)
- distant metastasis (e.g. melanoma, breast, renal, and colon cancer)
- primary neoplasms
- squamous cell carcinoma: commonest primary tracheal malignancy (~50 %)
- adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC): 2nd commonest primary tracheal malignancy: adenoid cystic carcinoma of tracheobronchial tree
- squamous cell papilloma
- adenocarcinoma
- bronchial carcinoid (if involves trachea)
- mucoepidermoid carcinoma
- chondrosarcoma
- tracheal leiomyosarcoma: rare
- tracheal leiomyoma
- endobronchial hamartoma (if involves trachea)
- tracheal lipoma : rare
- non-neoplastic lesions
- tuberculosis
- inflammatory fibro-epithelial polyp
- mucus plugging
For multiple masses consider:
- laryngotracheal papillomatosis
- tracheobronchial amyloidosis
- multifocal neoplasm
See also
Siehe auch:
- Tuberkulose
- Tumoren der Trachea
- diffuse Trachealwandverdickung
- tracheobronchiale Metastasen
- invasive Aspergillose der Trachea
- gestielte intratracheale Läsionen
- Amyloidose des Tracheobronchialsystem
- mukoepidermoides Karzinom
- Karzinoid der Trachea
- tracheal leiomyosarcoma
- laryngo-tracheal papillomatosis
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