tracheal and endobronchial lesions

angiofibroma in the aberrant tracheal bronchus presenting as spontaneous pneumomediastinum. a Initial chest X ray shows pneumomediastinum. b Bronchoscopy finding of a protruding and glistering tumour originating from the right side of the trachea. c Computed tomography showing an elongated endobronchial tumour in the accessory tracheal bronchus originating from the right side of the lower tracheal wall (black arrow, axial view). d Computed tomography showing a tumour located in the right upper lobe from the accessory tracheal bronchus (white arrow, coronal view)
Primary tracheal and endobronchial lesions are generally rare and can be either malignant or benign. The majority of these lesions are malignant.
- primary malignant endobronchial lesions
- bronchogenic adenocarcinoma
- squamous cell carcinoma: commonest malignant lesion in the tracheal region
- small cell carcinoma
- bronchial carcinoid
- mucoepidermoid carcinoma: tracheal mucoepidermoid carcinoma
- adenoid cystic carcinoma
- endobronchial metastases
- pulmonary hamartoma: most common benign neoplasm in lung
- pulmonary leiomyoma/tracheal leiomyoma
- endobronchial lipoma
- squamous cell papilloma: most common benign neoplasm in the trachea , occurs as part of laryngotracheal papillomatosis
- thoracic pleomorphic adenoma
- granular cell tumors, e.g. Abrikossov tumor/myoblastoma
- endobronchial hemangioma
- endobronchial fibroma
- neurogenic tumors
- inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor
- amyloidoma
- fibroepithelial polyp
- bronchial tuberculosis
See also
Siehe auch:
- pulmonales Hamartom
- Adenoid-zystisches Karzinom
- Raumforderungen der Trachea
- bronchiales Karzinoid
- endobronchial carcinoid tumor
- gestielte intratracheale Läsionen
- mukoepidermoides Karzinom
- endobronchial metastasis
- superficial endobronchial carcinoma
- endobronchial solitary nodule
- endobronchial chondroma
- laryngotracheal papillomatosis
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