Arachnoid membranes
Arachnoid membranes represent sheet-like connective tissue that crosses the subarachnoid space, from the pia mater to the arachnoid mater, dividing the subarachnoid space into cisterns. A number of these membranes are named 1:
- Liliequist membrane: separates the chiasmatic cistern and interpeduncular cistern
- anterior pontine membranes: separate the prepontine cistern (midline) from the cerebellopontine cisterns (laterally)
- lateral pontomesencephalic membranes: separate the ambient cisterns from the cerebellopontine cisterns
- medial pontomedullary membrane: separates the premedullary cistern from the prepontine cisterns
- lateral pontomedullary membranes: separate the cerebellopontine cistern from the cerebellomedullary cisterns