Azinuszellkarzinom der Lunge

pneumonectomy for primary large acinic cell carcinoma (AciCC) with severe mediastinal deviation: a case report and literature review. Preoperative imaging of the large acinic cell carcinoma of right lung. A Preoperative chest radiograph showed that the mediastinum was completely deviated to the right thorax and the right lung was completely atelectasis. Arrow: part of the left lung tissue that deviate to the right thorax. B CT scan showed the right lung was completely atelectated, with tumor tissue invading the right hilum structure. C Fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed a tumor with obstruction of the right main bronchus and protrusion of adjacent organs. D 3D-reconstruction showed The vascular anatomical structure of the right hilum is completely disorganized and difficult to recognize
Acinic cell carcinoma of the lung (also known as a Fechner tumor) is a type of lung carcinoma of the salivary gland type. It is extremely rare, especially when it presents in the form of primary acinic cell carcinoma.
Histologically, they are comprised of clear cells with abundant granular cytoplasm growing as solid sheets with focal acinar, microcystic, and papillocystic regions. Immunohistochemical stains tend to show strong positivity for:
- low-molecular-weight cytokeratins
- epithelial membrane antigen (EMA)
Radiographic features
CT chest
Can be variable, encompassing :
- subpleural nodules in proximity to secondary bronchi
- endobronchial tumors leading obstructive symptoms
- well-circumscribed deep parenchymal nodules
Treatment and prognosis
Acinic cell carcinoma of the lung tends to have a more indolent behavior and favorable prognosis than other types of lung cancer.
See also
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