bakterielle Zystitis

lower urinary tract infection complicated by mural bladder abscess. Portal phase enhanced images showed persistent uniform urothelial hyperenhancement (thin arrow) consistent with acute infectious cystitis; peripheral rim enhancement of the abscess collection (arrowheads) abutting the bladder dome.

lower urinary tract infection complicated by mural bladder abscess. Excretory phase acquisition showed opacified bladder lumen, uniformly thickened bladder wall (*), enhanced periphery of the abscess (arrowheads) abutting the bladder dome. No appreciable communication between lumen and abscess.

lower urinary tract infection complicated by mural bladder abscess. Preliminary unenhanced acquisition showed contracted urinary bladder with indwelling Foley catheter (short arrows), circumferential mural thickening (*), several centimetric calcific calculi.

computed tomography evaluation of bladder lesions. A 62-year-old female patient with acute bacterial cystitis. Axial pre-contrast (a) and contrast-enhanced (b) CT images showing diffuse enhancement of the mucosal surface with wall thickening of the bladder