bucket-handle meniscal tear

Meniscal ramp
lesions: an illustrated review. Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR image (a) shows a double delta sign (thin arrow), typical for flipped meniscus. Axial image (b) shows anterior dislocation of the posterior horn of lateral meniscus (thin arrow)

Meniscal tear
• Meniscal tear types - diagram - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

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meniscal tear • Bucket-handle medial meniscal tear - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Bucket handle tear - medial meniscus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

cruciate ligament tear • Anterior cruciate ligament tear with posteromedial corner injury, bucket-handle meniscal tear and chondral delamination - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

posterior cruciate ligament sign • Bucket-handle meniscal tear - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Absent bow
tie sign (knee) • Lateral meniscus bucket handle tear - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Bucket handle meniscal tear - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

des Außenmeniskus (rot). Leichte Verschleißerscheinung - keine Ruptur - des Innenmeniskus (grün). Kernspintomografie, koronare T2*-gewichtete GRE-Sequenz

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is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 001. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 11 jährigen Jungen. MRT.

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is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 002. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 14 jährigen Jungen. MRT.

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is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 002. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 14 jährigen Jungen. MRT.

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is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 002. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 14 jährigen Jungen. MRT.

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is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 002. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 14 jährigen Jungen. MRT.

The clothes
maketh the sign. MRI of the left knee in an athlete with medial knee joint pain. Sagittal T2 weighted (a), proton density (b), and coronal short Tau inversion recovery (STIR) (c) sequences of the left knee demonstrate no body segment or “bow tie” joining the anterior to the posterior horns of the medial meniscus suggestive of a bucket-handle tear with confirmation being found in the displaced meniscus fragment in the intercondylar notch creating the “handle” of a bucket handle tear (c)

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is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 002. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 14 jährigen Jungen. MRT.

This image
is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 003. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 12 jährigen Mädchen. MRT.

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is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 001. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 11 jährigen Jungen. MRT.

This image
is part of a series which can be scrolled interactively with the mousewheel or mouse dragging. This is done by using Template:Imagestack. The series is found in the category Bucket-handle meniscus tear - case 001. Eingeschlagener Korbhenkelriss des Aussenmeniskus-Hinterhorns bei einem 11 jährigen Jungen. MRT.

meniscal tear • Bucket handle meniscal tear - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Bucket handle tear - medial meniscus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Bucket handle tear of medial meniscus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Anterior cruciate ligament tear with posteromedial corner injury, bucket-handle meniscal tear and chondral delamination - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Anterior cruciate ligament graft tear and bucket-handle tear of medial meniscus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Anterior cruciate ligament tear, Wrisberg rip and bucket-handle tear of medial meniscus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Bucket handle tear - medial meniscus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Lateral meniscus bucket handle tear - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Bucket-handle tear and ACL tear - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

meniscal tear • Bucket handle medial meniscus tear with double PCL sign - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Bucket-handle meniscal tears are a type of displaced vertical meniscal tear where the inner part is displaced centrally. They more commonly occur in the medial meniscus and are often associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears.
Radiographic features
Bucket-hand tears can manifest as sensitive but not specific signs :
- absent bow tie sign - on sagittal view
- double PCL sign (bucket-handle tears of the medial meniscus) - on sagittal view
- double ACL sign (bucket-hand tears of the lateral meniscus) - on sagittal view
- double anterior horn / flipped meniscus - on sagittal view
- double delta sign- on sagittal view
- disproportionately small posterior horn - on sagittal view
- meniscal fragment in the intercondylar notch - on coronal view
- truncation and small size of body of meniscus on coronal images - on coronal view
Siehe auch:
- doppeltes hinteres Kreuzband-Zeichen
- Meniskusriss
- umgeschlagener Korbhenkelriss Meniskus
- Ligamentum meniscomeniscale obliquus
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