Calcium volume score

The calcium volume score is referred to as a measure to quantify coronary artery calcium and is a variant to calculate coronary artery calcium .

Its calculation includes all voxels with a Hounsfield attenuation > 130 and this is done by multiplying the volume of each voxel, determined by the area and the slice thickness with the number of voxels showing calcification .

The calcium volume score has proven to be most robust and reproducible method but is more susceptible to partial volume effects and seems more prone to variability between examinations in regard to the position of the plaque in the axial slice . Unlike the Agatston score, the calcium volume score does not take factor calcium density into the calculation and measures merely the volume of calcified pixels .

It seems to be a significant and independent predictor of incidental major cardiovascular events (MACE) in symptomatic individuals within a two years period .

As per the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association (ACCF/AHA), consensus paper increased amounts of  coronary calcium is associated with an increased risk for major cardiovascular events (MACE) :

  • CAC score of 1-112: low risk with a relative risk ratio of 1.9 (95 CI: 1.3-2.8)
  • CAC score of 100-400: moderate risk with a relative risk ratio of 4.3 (95% CI:3.1-6.1)
  • CAC score of 401-999: high risk with a relative risk ratio of 7.2 (95% CI:5.2-9.9)
  • CAC score >1000: very high risk with a relative risk ratio of 10.8 (95% CI:4.2-27.7)

See also