Congenital anomalies of the male urethra
Congenital anomalies of the male urethra include various anomalies due to complex development of urethra. These anomalies can be isolated or in association with other coexisting anomalies. They can be categorized as following:
- urethral agenesis (or atresia)
- congenital valves
- posterior urethral valve
- anterior urethral valve
- diverticula and outpouchings
- anterior urethral diverticulum
- lacuna magna (sinus of Guérin)
- Cowper's gland syringocele
- enlarged prostatic utricle
- urethral dilatation
- megalourethra
- prune-belly syndrome: associated with dilated prostatic urethra
- congenital urethral stricture
- urethral duplication
- congenital urethral polyps
- congenital fistulas
- congenital urethroperineal fistula
- fistulas associated with anorectal malformation
- abnormal external opening (malformations of the urethral groove)