dens in dente

Dens in
dente. Orthopantomography shows abnormal conformation of teeth 12 and 22 (yellow arrows) with double enamel lining and peg-shaped crown. Tooth 22 also has a "ballooning" root malformation.

Dens in
dente. Axial view shows the “Target-like” conformation on the tooth (2.2) as confered by the double layer of enamel, formed by an incomplete inner layer (white arrow) and an external layer (yellow arrow).

Dens in
dente. Axial view shows the “Target-like” conformation on the tooth as confered by the double layer of enamel, formed by a complete inner layer (white arrow) and an external layer (yellow arrow).

Dens in
dente. Coronal reconstruction shows the enamel invagination (white arrows) and peg-shaped crown; as well as a "ballooning" root malformation in tooth 22.

Dens in
dente. Sagittal reconstruction, Left parasagittal view at the level of the 22 tooth.

Treatment of
peri-invagination lesion and vitality preservation in an immature type III dens invaginatus: a case report. Preoperative photos and radiographs of the dens invaginatus (#31): Clinical photographs show that the mandibular left central incisor (white arrow) was under eruption with coronal anomaly; the clinical crown was slightly larger than the crown of the contralateral tooth (a and b; labial and incisal views, respectively). (c) Panoramic radiograph showing the mandibular dental arch containing the normal number of teeth. (d) Periapical radiograph showing an invagination surrounded by a radiopaque enamel border into the pulp chamber associated with periapical radiolucency and incomplete root formation

Treatment of
peri-invagination lesion and vitality preservation in an immature type III dens invaginatus: a case report. Cone-beam computed tomography images of the dens invaginatus (#31: DI). (a) Sagittal and (b) coronal views showing the DI with the periapical lesion, surrounded by a radiopaque enamel border in the crown. Axial sections from (c, d, and e) coronal to apical and (f, g and h) coronal sections showing the type III DI extending through the root and communicating through another foramen associated with a periapical radiolucency

Treatment of
peri-invagination lesion and vitality preservation in an immature type III dens invaginatus: a case report. Pre-operative three-dimensional reconstruction aspects of the dens invaginatus (#31: DI) of Oehler type III A. White internal structure is the DI and grey part is the outer part of tooth. Labial view (a) and lingual view (b) show that the DI is located at distal area. Apical view (c) of the DI seen from the apex to crown, shows that DI. Dotted arrow indicates where the invagination communicates with the periodontal tissue. This communication was treated in the resent case

Treatment of
peri-invagination lesion and vitality preservation in an immature type III dens invaginatus: a case report. Periapical radiographs during treatment and follow-up periods. (a) preoperative, (b) after initial treatment with calcium hydroxide paste, (c) postoperative after mineral trioxide aggregate filling, and at (d) l-year, (e) 1.5-year, and (f) 2-year recall. There is radiographic evidence of apex closure of the main root canal and root development of the tooth

Treatment of
type III dens invaginatus in bilateral immature mandibular central incisors: a case report. Preoperative clinical view and radiographs of the dens invaginatus (#31and #41): Clinical view shows that the bilateral mandibular central incisors were under eruption with coronal anomaly. (A and B; labial and incisal views, respectively). C The mandibular dental arch panoramic radiograph including the normal number of teeth and anatomical aberration (#31and #41). D Periapical radiograph showing a type III DI extending from the pulp chamber throughout to the apical foramen linked to periapical radiolucency and incomplete root formation

Treatment of
type III dens invaginatus in bilateral immature mandibular central incisors: a case report. The preoperative CBCT images of the dens invaginatus. The axial sections from coronal to apical are illustrated in A–D, the sagittal views illustrating the DI with the periapical lesion (E #31 and F #41)

Treatment of
type III dens invaginatus in bilateral immature mandibular central incisors: a case report. Treatment and follow-ups periapical radiographs. A preoperative, B postoperative after the first vitapex filling, C postoperative after the second vitapex filling, D postoperative after iRoot BP plus filling of the main root canal and iRoot SP and warm gutta-percha obturation of the invaginated root canal (#31), and at E 5-month, F 1-year, and G 1.5-year recall. The radiographic image indicates apex closure of the main root canal and root development of the tooth. H Postoperative after iRoot SP and warm gutta-percha obturation of the invaginated root canal (#41)
Ein Dens invaginatus ist eine Variante / Malformationen der oberen Schneidezähne, bei der die Schichten von Schmelz, Dentin und Pulpa quasi ineinander gestülpt, invaginiert sind. Es ist eine Extremform eines Foramen caecum dentis.
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