Dislocation of the hip

Management of
femoral head fracture by Ganz surgical dislocation of the hip. A, B Preoperative radiograph of a male 28-year-old patient with right hip dislocation and fracture of the femoral head (Pipkin type 2 fracture)

dislocation • Hip joint dislocation - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Advanced hip osteoarthritis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

dislocation • Lipohemarthrosis - hip joint - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

dislocation • Hip dislocation - inferior - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

dislocation • Dislocated hip prosthesis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

dislocation • Developmental dysplasia of the hip - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

dislocation • Anterior dislocation of the hip - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Hüftluxation bei einer 40-jährigen. Der Hüftkopf ist im Sinne einer Luxationsfraktur nach zentral durch das Azetabulum eingebrochen und verlagert hier die Fragmente gegen das Beckeninnere. Links Computertomographie in koronarer Rekonstruktion, rechts Volumen-Rendering-Darstellung des linken Hemipelvis mit Blick von innen.

Management of
femoral head fracture by Ganz surgical dislocation of the hip. A Preoperative CT scan showing head femur fracture (axial view). B Preoperative CT scan showing head femur fracture (coronal view)

Management of
femoral head fracture by Ganz surgical dislocation of the hip. Preoperative radiograph of a female 35-year-old patient with left hip dislocation and fracture of the femoral head (Pipkin type 1 fracture)

hintere Hüftluxation links ohne eindeutige ossäre Verletzung des Acetabulums. Man erkennt jedoch in der sagittalen Rekonstruktion (links unten) die (geringe) Impression des hinteren Pfannenrandes in den Femurkopf (analog einer Hill-Sachs-Delle).

School ager
with right hip pain after a motor vehicle accident. AP radiograph of the pelvis (on a trauma board) shows the right femoral head to be dislocated posteriorly.The diagnosis was right traumatic posterior hip dislocation. There are no fractures.
Hip dislocation is a relatively rare entity and may be congenital or acquired.
Hip dislocations account for ~5% of all dislocations .
There are numerous patterns of dislocation :
- posterior hip dislocation (most common ~85%)
- anterior hip dislocation (~10%)
- inferior (obturator) hip dislocation
- superior (pubic/iliac) hip dislocation (rare)
- central hip dislocation (protrusio) - always associated with acetabular fracture
Acquired hip dislocation is normally associated with high-speed trauma, with motor vehicle collisions account half of the dislocation with other causes such as falls and sports injuries, less common .
Hip dislocation is the second most common complication of hip joint replacements and occurs in ~5% (range 0.5-10%) of patients with ~60% of dislocations being recurrent .
Congenital hip dislocation is now considered part of the spectrum of developmental dysplasia of the hip (see the article for further information) .
- avascular necrosis: particularly if reduction postponed more than 24 hours
Siehe auch:
- Zentrale Hüftluxation
- hintere Hüftluxation
- Luxatio iliaca (hinten oben)
- kindliche Hüftluxation
- vordere Hüftluxation
- Luxatio ischiadica (hinten unten)
- Luxatio suprapubica (vorne oben)
- Luxatio obturatoria (vorne unten)
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