displacement annular ligament of the elbow

The elbow:
review of anatomy and common collateral ligament complex pathology using MRI. A 46-year-old man with recurrent painful click in the elbow. Consecutive sagittal 3D-FSE PD-weighted MRI (a to h), consecutive axial 3D-FSE PD-weighted (i to k), and axial FS PD-weighted MRI (l) show superior displacement of annular ligament interposing between the radial head and the capitellum (white short arrows). Radial head deformity (white arrowheads). Capitellar osteochondral lesion (long white arrow)

The elbow:
review of anatomy and common collateral ligament complex pathology using MRI. A 40-year-old man with recurrent painful click in the elbow. Coronal T1-weighted MRI (a), coronal FS PD-weighted MRI (b), and sagittal FS PD-weighted MRI (c) showing a chronic rupture and displacement of the annular ligament (white arrows), dislocation of the radial head out of the annular ligament sling (white arrowhead), and radial head deformity (white asterisks)
displacement annular ligament of the elbow
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