
posterior mediastinal yolk sac tumour in a two-year-old girl. Heterogeneous mass with the extension into the pleural cavity and inferiorly into the liver. Aerated lung and small amount of collapsed lung are at the superior aspect of the mass.

posterior mediastinal yolk sac tumour in a two-year-old girl. heterogeneous echogenic mass (arrow) in the right pleural cavity surrounded by pleural fluid (star).

posterior mediastinal yolk sac tumour in a two-year-old girl. Heterogeneous attenuation mass causing the left shift of the heart (arrow).

Infant with
enlarged left scrotum and elevated AFP. Transverse color doppler US of the scrotum (above) shows the left testicle is hypervascular and much larger in size than the right testicle. Sagittal US of the left testicle (below) shows the testicular enlargement is due to a large round mass in the superior aspect of the testicle that is discrete from the normal testicle inferiorly.The diagnosis was yolk sac tumor of the testicle.

resonance imaging of pineal region tumours. Pineal yolk sac tumour. Tumour involving the pineal gland (arrow) has slightly lobulated margins. The tumour is isointense to grey matter on sagittal T1-weighted image (a), heterogeneous with low and high signal on axial T2-weighted image (b) and shows contrast enhancement on axial T1-weighted image (c)

Female school
ager with abdominal distension. AXR (above left) shows displacement of the bowel loops to the left upper quadrant. Sagittal US of the abdomen (above right) shows a large solid heterogenous intraperitoneal mass in the lower right abdomen whose organ of origin was uncertain. There was a large amount of ascites. Coronal (below left) and sagittal (below right) T1 MRI with contrast of the abdomen shows a large right-sided mass that was oval in shape with smooth contour with multiple cystic lobulations with enhancing septae within it superiorly with it being more solid inferiorly and which appeared to be adherent to the right ovary.The diagnosis was ovarian endodermal sinus tumor.
Siehe auch:
- Keimzelltumor
- nichtseminomatöser Keimzelltumor
- Dottersacktumor der Glandula pinealis
- Dottersacktumor des Ovars
- Dottersacktumor des Hodens
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